Call of duty cold war alpha xbox
Call of duty cold war alpha xbox

call of duty cold war alpha xbox call of duty cold war alpha xbox call of duty cold war alpha xbox

And yes, despite snipers receiving quite a heavy nerf from Black Ops Cold War's alpha and beta, the Pellington 703 and LW3 - Tundra are still incredibly strong and quick to fire. The Krig 6 assault rifle, alongside the M16 and AUG tactical rifles, are all low-recoil lasers that make quick work of opponents. Even with the MP5's ever-so-slight nerf this week, it's still incredibly strong for any engagement in the game. For starters, it's pretty safe to say the MP5 is easily the best weapon in the game. For those who've been playing Black Ops Cold War since launch, there won't be many surprises here. These weapons are the peak of both weapon popularity and viability. S-Tier: MP5, M16, Krig 6, AUG, Pellington 703, LW3 - Tundra RELATED: Complete Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War M16 Breakdown It's already been confirmed that some big changes to the whole multiplayer experience are coming in Season One, but for now, here are the strongest weapons to use in Black Ops Cold War's multiplayer. For now, this is the game's current meta in the Pre-Season. Many of multiplayer's most powerful weapons are pretty clear, and even when some of them are nerfed, they're still incredibly strong. For hardcore players, this list may not come as a surprise. Now that the game's been out for a bit, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War's multiplayer meta has begun to settle on the power weapons. Others are comparatively lackluster as well, especially launchers and most secondary weapons. ARs come in a close second, with most other weapons serving situational purposes. SMGs in general, like most Call of Duty games, are incredibly strong in Black Ops Cold War. Some guns have been clearly stronger than other (Hint: it's the MP5) to the point of warranting its own nerf, while others have flown under the radar. Now, a full week after the game has launched, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War's multiplayer meta has begun to form. After the alpha and beta, big changes came to this year's Call of Duty prior to release.

Call of duty cold war alpha xbox